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Grupprocesser i utbildning : en studie av gruppers dynamik vid problembaserat lärande / Eva Hammar Chiriac.

Av: Medverkande(n): Materialtyp: TextTextSpråk: Svenska Språk på sammanfattning: Engelska Serie: Linköping studies in education and psychology ; 95Utgivningsuppgift: Linköping : Institutionen för beteendevetenskap, Univ. 2003Tillverkare: Landskrona : ParajettBeskrivning: 255, [17] s. diagr., tab. 25 cmISBN:
  • 9173737569
Ämnen: Fler format: Grupprocesser i utbildningDDK-klassifikation:
  • 371.36 23/swe
Annan klassifikation:
  • Oaa
Onlineresurser: Avhandlingskommentar: Diss. Linköping : Univ., 2003 Sammanfattning: The main purpose of this thesis is to identify, describe and interpret group processes occurring in tutorials in problem-based leaming. Another aim is to investigate if a combination of Steiner's (1972) theory of group work and Bion's (1961) theory of work and regression in groups may be a fruitful way to interpret and explain group dynamics in problem-based learning.??Data have been collected trough a multi-strategy approach. The principal, as we11 as the preliminary, method for data gathering was qualitative. The quantitative method was used as a follow-up study. The data gathering methods used were less-structured observation, structured questionnaire and focused intewiews.??The results disclose that it is possible to give a comprehensive and descriptive picture of the group processes that occur in tutorials. The results also show that a combination of Steiner's and Bion's theories may be a fruitfil way to describe, interpret and explain group dynarnics in tutorial groups. By combining the theories a new theoretical mode1 was created. The combination can be considered as a way of developing the theories and at the same time it offers a theoretical too1 for research purposes. The combination represents a new way of categorising group processes and can hopefilly provide a better understanding of interactional dynamics in groups and account for greater explanation value with respect to group processes.??From a group research perspective the mode1 can be seen as my contribution to theory development. From a user perspective this knowledge may contribute valuable information. More, or deeper, knowledge of group processes that occurs in tutorials can provide tutors with means for better understanding of dynarnics in groups.
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Diss. Linköping : Univ., 2003

The main purpose of this thesis is to identify, describe and interpret group processes occurring in tutorials in problem-based leaming. Another aim is to investigate if a combination of Steiner's (1972) theory of group work and Bion's (1961) theory of work and regression in groups may be a fruitful way to interpret and explain group dynamics in problem-based learning.??Data have been collected trough a multi-strategy approach. The principal, as we11 as the preliminary, method for data gathering was qualitative. The quantitative method was used as a follow-up study. The data gathering methods used were less-structured observation, structured questionnaire and focused intewiews.??The results disclose that it is possible to give a comprehensive and descriptive picture of the group processes that occur in tutorials. The results also show that a combination of Steiner's and Bion's theories may be a fruitfil way to describe, interpret and explain group dynarnics in tutorial groups. By combining the theories a new theoretical mode1 was created. The combination can be considered as a way of developing the theories and at the same time it offers a theoretical too1 for research purposes. The combination represents a new way of categorising group processes and can hopefilly provide a better understanding of interactional dynamics in groups and account for greater explanation value with respect to group processes.??From a group research perspective the mode1 can be seen as my contribution to theory development. From a user perspective this knowledge may contribute valuable information. More, or deeper, knowledge of group processes that occurs in tutorials can provide tutors with means for better understanding of dynarnics in groups.

Med sammanfattning på engelska

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