Introduction to Java programming : comprehensive version / Y. Daniel Liang, Armstrong Atlantic State University.
Material type:
- 1292070013
- 9781292070018
- Java programming [Other title]
- Java (Computer program language)
- Application software -- Development
- Object-oriented programming (Computer science)
- Web site development
- Java (Computer program language)
- Application software -- Development
- Java (Computer program language)
- Object-oriented programming (Computer science)
- Web site development
- JAVA (programspråk)
- 005.133 23
- 005.133 Java
- Pubbz
Item type | Current library | Call number | Status | Date due | Barcode | Item holds | |
Book (loan) | Campus Karlskrona | 005.133 Java | Available | 080041488513 |
Includes index
Introduction to computers, programs, and Java -- Elementary programming -- Selections -- Loops -- Methods -- Single-dimensional arrays -- Multidimensional arrays -- Objects and classes -- Strings -- Thinking in objects -- Inheritance and polymorphism -- GUI basics -- Graphics -- Exception handling and text I/O -- Abstract classes and interfaces -- Event-driven programming -- GUI components -- Applets and multimedia -- Binary I/O -- Recursion -- Generics -- Lists, stacks, queues, and priority -- Queues -- Sets and maps -- Developing efficient algorithms -- Sorting -- Implementing lists, stacks, queues, and priority queues -- Binary search trees -- Hashing -- AVL trees -- Graphs and applications -- Weighted graphs and applications -- Multithreading and parallel programming -- Networking -- Java database programming -- Internationalization -- JavaBeans -- Containers, layout managers and borders -- Menus, toolbars, and dialogs -- MVC and swing models -- JTable and JTree -- Advanced database programming -- Servlets -- JavaServer pages -- JavaServer faces -- Web services -- Remote method invocation -- 2-4 trees and B-trees -- Red-black trees -- Java 2D -- Testing using JUnit -- Appendix A: Java keywords -- Appendix B: The ASCII character set -- Appendix C: Operator precedence chart -- Appendix D: Java modifiers -- Appendix E: Special floating-point values --Appendix F: Number systems -- Appendix G: Bitwise operatoirns
This book teaches concepts of problem-solving and object-oriented programming using a fundamentals-first approach. Beginning programmers learn critical problem-solving techniques then move on to grasp the key concepts of object-oriented, GUI programming, advanced GUI and Web programming using Java