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A sociology of monsters : essays on power, technology and domination / edited by John Law.

Medverkande(n): Materialtyp: TextTextSpråk: Engelska Serie: The sociological review monograph ; 38Utgivningsuppgift: London : Routledge, cop. 1991Beskrivning: 273 sISBN:
  • 0415071399
Ämnen: DDK-klassifikation:
  • 303.483 22/swe
Annan klassifikation:
  • Oaa
  • P:oa
  • P:d
  • Oa
  • O:p
  • Oaa
  • P:oa
Introduction: monsters, machines and sociotechnical relations /; John Law --; Power, technologies and the phenomenology of conventions: on being allergic to onions /; Susan Leigh Star --; Configuring the user: the case of usability trials /; Steve Woolgar --; Technology is society made durable /; Bruno Latour --; Techno-economic networks and irreversibility /; Michel Callon --; Power, discretion and strategy /; John Law --; Advanced manufacturing technologies: work organisation and social relations crystallised /; Juliet Webster --; Power, technology and flexibility in organization /; Stewart Clegg and Fiona Wilson
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Bok (Hemlån) Campus Karlskrona 303.4 Tillgänglig 80016712215
Antal reservationer: 0

Introduction: monsters, machines and sociotechnical relations /; John Law --; Power, technologies and the phenomenology of conventions: on being allergic to onions /; Susan Leigh Star --; Configuring the user: the case of usability trials /; Steve Woolgar --; Technology is society made durable /; Bruno Latour --; Techno-economic networks and irreversibility /; Michel Callon --; Power, discretion and strategy /; John Law --; Advanced manufacturing technologies: work organisation and social relations crystallised /; Juliet Webster --; Power, technology and flexibility in organization /; Stewart Clegg and Fiona Wilson

Adress: Biblioteket, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, 371 79 Karlskrona
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